RabbitMQ Proxmox LXC script

RabbitMQ is a reliable and mature messaging and streaming broker, which is easy to deploy on cloud environments, on-premises, and on your local machine.

To create a new Proxmox VE RabbitMQ LXC, run the command below in the Proxmox VE Shell.
To Update RabbitMQ, run the command below (or type update) in the LXC Console.

  bash -c "$(wget -qLO - https://github.com/tteck/Proxmox/raw/main/ct/rabbitmq.sh)"

Default Settings: 1GB RAM - 4GB Storage - 1vCPU

RabbitMQ Interface: IP:15672

Initial Login
username proxmox
password proxmox

Creating a RabbitMQ LXC (Linux Container) script in Proxmox helps streamline message queuing and communication in your applications. This setup optimizes resource use and simplifies scaling and management. LXC containers are lightweight, allowing for quick deployment and easy isolation of services. Ensure your script is well-configured, includes necessary plugins, and incorporates backup and monitoring solutions to maintain performance and reliability.