CommaFeed Proxmox LXC Installation

CommaFeed is a Google Reader inspired self-hosted RSS reader.

To create a new Proxmox VE CommaFeed LXC, run the command below in the Proxmox VE Shell.
To Update CommaFeed, run the command below (or type update) in the LXC Console.

bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"

Default Settings: 2GB RAM - 4GB Storage - 2vCPU

CommaFeed Interface: IP:8082

:gear: Initial Login

username admin

password admin

Update to v5 does not work. Rsync is not included in the default container script (needs to be added.) Script builds out the JARs in /opt/commafeed/app (updated), but the active 4.4.1 JAR is at /opt/commafeed.